Study and Development of the Rescue Robot to Accommodate Victims under Earthquake Disasters

At the Great Hanshin earthquake in Japan, many victims were crushed by rubble and died by “crush syndrome”. Even the simple rescue method that removes the rubble, it could be a cause of death. As the only countermeasure, DMAT (=Disaster Medical Assistance Team) creeps into fallen houses, and treat dialysis or drip infusion. But these methods are very dangerous for victims and DMAT to treat amid the aftershocks. We think that Rescue Robot technique is just suitable solution for the dilemma under various and dangerous situations. The Rescue Robot has the dual tiered crawler. The Rescue Robot goes through under rubble open, and the victims are held in the container inside of the Robot body. We already built a prototype model, so we present an outline of our rescue robot. And we will show you the reformed design of the Rescue Robot, and the new mechanism to prevent Crush Syndrome.
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