Semiparametric efficiency bounds for high-dimensional models

Asymptotic lower bounds for estimation play a fundamental role in assessing the quality of statistical procedures. In this paper, we propose a framework for obtaining semiparametric efficiency bounds for sparse high-dimensional models, where the dimension of the parameter is larger than the sample size. We adopt a semiparametric point of view: we concentrate on one-dimensional functions of a high-dimensional parameter. We follow two different approaches to reach the lower bounds: asymptotic Cramer–Rao bounds and Le Cam’s type of analysis. Both of these approaches allow us to define a class of asymptotically unbiased or “regular” estimators for which a lower bound is derived. Consequently, we show that certain estimators obtained by de-sparsifying (or de-biasing) an $\ell_{1}$-penalized M-estimator are asymptotically unbiased and achieve the lower bound on the variance: thus in this sense they are asymptotically efficient. The paper discusses in detail the linear regression model and the Gaussian graphical model.
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