Acinic Cell Carcinoma in Minor Salivary Glands of Retromolar

Acinic cell carcinoma (ACC) is a rare malignant tumor of the salivary glands. ACC of the minor salivary glands is very rare. In the oral cavity, minor salivary gland tumors are rarely seen in the inferior anatomic regions like the retromolar trigone and the floor of mouth compared to the superior regions like the palate. We present a retromolar trigone ACC, a rare location in the oral cavity and discuss the relevant reports in the literature. Key words: Acinic cell carcinoma, minor salivary glands, retromolar trigone Retromolar Trigon Minor Tukruk Bezlerinde Asinik Hucre Karsinomu Asinik cell karsinoma, tukruk bezlerinin nadir gorulen malign tumorlerindendir. Asinik cell karsinoma, minor tukruk bezlerinde de az ratlanan bir tumordur. Oral kavitede, minor tukruk bezi tumorleri; damak gibi superior anatomik bolgelerle karsilastirildiginda, agiz tabani ve retromolar trigonun yer aldigi inferior anatomik bolgelerde nadiren gorulur. Bu olgu sunumunda, oral kavitede nadir yerlesim yeri olan retromolar trigonda asinik hucre karsinomali bir hastayi, ilgili literaturu de gozden gecirerek tartistik.
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