Perfil del dominio afectivo en futuros maestros de matemáticas

espanolEste estudio tiene como objetivo construir una tipologia que permita identificar el perfil del dominio afectivo de futuros maestros de matematicas segun sus actitudes hacia la disciplina, sus manifestaciones de ansiedad matematica y sus creencias hacia esta area. Mediante un estudio transversal correlacional simple se evaluaron 455 estudiantes de licenciatura en matematicas (42.9% mujeres), con un rango de edad entre 17 y 27 anos (M= 21.33, DE=3.29) a quienes se aplico dos instrumentos psicometricos. Se construyeron conglomerados considerando actitudes, ansiedad y creencias, asi como aspectos demograficos. Los resultados identifican tres perfiles tipologicos, (1) estudiantes neofitos, con aproximacion negativa hacia la matematica, (2) estudiantes intermedios, con aproximacion ambivalente hacia la matematica y (3), estudiantes autoeficaces y matematicamente competentes, todos ellos claramente diferenciados segun las caracteristicas afectivas y algunas variables demograficas. De acuerdo con los hallazgos, se discuten las implicaciones de la formacion afectivo-emocional para la matematica educativa y se trazan nuevos horizontes de analisis. EnglishThis study aims to build a typology that allows identifying the profile of the affective domain in future mathematics teachers according to their attitudes towards the discipline, their manifestations of mathematical anxiety, and their beliefs about this area. Four-hundred and fifty-five undergraduate students in mathematics (42.9% women), with an age range between 17 and 27 years (M = 21.33, SD = 3.2), completed two psychometric instruments. Through a simple correlational cross-sectional study, clusters were formed considering attitudes, anxiety, and beliefs, as well as demographic aspects. The results identify three typological profiles, differentiated as a function of affective characteristics and some demographic variables: (1) neophyte students, with a negative approach to mathematics, (2) intermediate students, with an ambivalent approach to mathematics and (3), self-effective and mathematically competent students. The implications of affective-emotional training for educational mathematics are discussed, and new horizons of analysis are drawn.
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