Una nova inscripció ibèrica procedent de Can Vallmanya (Vidreres): Baika i Baiketa també són Baikar

catalaVallmanya (Vidreres) que figura a la base d’una copa de ceramica de vernis negre. La inscripcio documenta el text baika que probablement sigui la forma basica, sense el morf r caracteristic dels substantius iberics, del mes frequent baikar. La documentacio explicita de baika confirma la nova lectura de la inscripcio C.2.19 d’Ullastret en una copa de ceramica atica de vernis negre, on ja s’havia proposat identificar la forma baiketa. Aquestes dues noves ocurrencies de baikar i variants sobre petits recipients per liquids d’us personal, confirma la relacio del significat d’aquest substantiu amb el camp semantic d’aquests recipients o dels actes cultuals en els que estaven involucrats. EnglishThis paper analyses a new Iberian inscription from Can Vallmanya (Vidreres) that appears at the base of a ceramic glass of black varnish. The inscription documents the baika element that probably is the basic form, without the characteristic morph r of the Iberian nouns, of the most frequent baikar. The explicit documentation of baika confirms the new reading of the inscription C.2.19 of Ullastret in a glass of attic ceramic of black varnish, where already it had been proposed to identify the form baiketa. These two new occurrences of baikar and variants on small containers for liquids for personal use confirm the relation of the meaning of this noun to the semantic field of these containers or to the cultural acts where they were involved.
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