On the optimization of the primary end of integrated steelplants

AbstractA linear programming technique is suggested for the optimization of the “heavy end” of an integrated steel plant. It is considered that the plant consists of coke ovens, blast furnaces, a BOF shop and open hearth shop and an electric furnace shop.The system is represented by a set of linear (or piecewise linear) relationships and the optimal operating policy is determined through the use of linear programming. The technique described provides an essentially routine procedure for establishing the optimum operating policy for a given production rate and for a range of other possible stipulations such as restricted availability of raw materials and shutdown of one or more individual units. Resume Les auteurs suggerent une technique de programmation lineaire pour l'optimisation de la production lourde d'une acierie integree. Ils considerent une acierie comprenant des fours a coke, des hauts fourneaux, des ateliers de convertisseur a oxygene (BOF), de four Martin et de four electrique.Le systeme est re...
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