Los videojuegos en la implementación de políticas de mitigación del cambio climático Video games in the implementation of climate change mitigation policies.

Partiendo de la baja masa critica de comportamiento medioambiental en Espana y el analisis de las limitaciones para alcanzar el reto urgente de lograr una reduccion de emisiones GEI, este articulo tiene por objetivo evaluar la tendencia del videojuego serio medioambiental como medio digital interactivo para adquirir habitos de comportamiento ecologico en Espana. Se analiza la revolucionaria aportacion de la tecnologia de “gamificacion” para lograr entretener y divertir con videojuegos educativos. Se concluye y recomiendan actividades para que los actores sociales publicos y privados se impliquen en difundir y mejorar los videojuegos medioambientales actualmente disponibles en Espana. Y se destaca su oportunidad de participar en nuevos desarrollos participativos, con empresas del sector de videojuegos, orientados a atender necesidades de formacion medioambiental de grupos sociales. Through almost 20 years of public policies to reduce GHG emissiones to mitigate climate change, fortunately the level of sensitivity facing the problem has been increasing among the citizens of contruies like Spain and similar countries. However, dates indicate that, in practice, civic and business behavior remain highly polluting in transport, agriculture, industry, waste, etc. The surveys confirm a strong imbalance between intellectual knowledge of the problem, by the citicenry or the business community, regarding the mitigating behavior of climate change, when consuming and producing. Serious environmental video games are emerging since 2005 as interactive digital instruments capable of accelerating the experimental learning of ecological behavioral habits. Others resources such as watching television, video, cinema, reading, etc, are passive and slower on their own and the video game is able to combine all of them together with the subject’s own imagination. This article delves into the imbalance between knowledge and behavior in order to outline the future unsatisfied demand for serious environmental video games in Spain. The study includes a tour of the video game sector in Spain and the current offer of serious environmental video games avaliable. The conclusions show a predominance of the game with role of politician, that abundantly documents the player in his decisions and directed to individual young men or for educational support. The unattended requirement of games for a multitude of feminine and masculine roles of different ages and professiones is observed practicing behaviors of daily life and work.
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