Морфологическая диагностика эндогенной интоксикации с использованием биохимических маркеров

Morphological diagnosis of endogenous intoxication in target organs lung, liver and kidney, is unreliable due to lack of specific structural changes. To reliable diagnose of intoxication, the definition used in the tissue of the target organ indole, phenol and skatole, which are products of the activity of intestinal bacteria and penetrating into the systemic circulation together with bacterial lipopolysaccharide, can be used. The diagnostic accuracy can be estimated by reducing the brightness of the color micrographs of the investigated histological preparations in the system brightness RGB in the analysis of the micrographs in the program "Adobe Photoshop".Endogenous intoxication causes a statistically significant increase in the number indianola products, verified by the reaction of diazotization on histological sections in the cytoplasm of cells of the lungs, liver and kidneys. It can serve as a reliable diagnostic criterion for post-mortem morphological diagnosis of endogenous intoxication. The accumulation of indole, phenol and skatole in millionary partitions is detected at the endogenous intoxication in the lungs. In the liver, the toxic products found throughout the liver lobules. In the kidneys, indianola products accumulate in remoteley proximal tubules. Diagnostic value of research to target organs within the definition disapoiting substrate decreases in the series: liver>kidneys>lungs.
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