Response to Comment on Cefalu et al. The Alarming and Rising Costs of Diabetes and Prediabetes: A Call for Action! Diabetes Care 2014;37:3137–3138

We thank Yudkin and Montori (1) for their letter in response to our editorial (2). As outlined in the editorial, we feel a great deal of attention—perhaps too much—has been paid over the recent past to the fact that the ranges of impaired glucose tolerance, impaired fasting glucose, and A1C define different groups of people as being at risk, and that the individuals with dysglycemic levels at the lower ends of the glycemic ranges are at lower risk for progressing to diabetes than the individuals at the higher ends. We would agree that all of that has been well established. In fact, American Diabetes Association (ADA) guidelines expressly acknowledge these points, but we do not see the value in repeatedly and exhaustively making these observations. We can continue to argue over what the exact diagnostic cut points for each test should be, but …
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