Nehézion ütközésekben nagy transzverzális impulzussal keletkezett töltött hadronok megfigyelése a CERN LHC ALICE kísérletben = Triggering on charged hadrons produced with large transverse momenta in heavy ion collisions at the CERN LHC ALICE experiment

Ez a projekt az NK62044 (2006-2009) OTKA projektben folytatott kutatasokat egeszitette ki, amely kutatasi tema alapcelja a nagy impulzusu toltott reszecskek kiserleti azonositasa es a kapott adatok elmeleti ertelmezese volt LHC energian tortenő proton-proton es nehezion utkozeseben. Az OTKA altal biztositott anyagi forras lehetőve tette az olasz kollegakkal folytatott kiserleti egyuttműkodesunk intenzitasanak noveleset. Igy sikeresen folytattuk a Bari Egyetemen es a CERN-ben dolgozo kollegakkal a tervezett VHMPID (Very High Momentum Particle Identification Detector) detektorhoz kapcsolodo K+F fejlesztesek elvegzeset (pl. az olasz kollegak Budapestre latogattak 2007-ben). Hasonlo modon egyutt installaltuk es egyutt uzemeltettuk a HMPID detektort (High Momentum Particle Identification Detector) az LHC ALICE egyuttműkodesen belul. 2008 nyaran sikeres kozmikus tesztmereseket vegeztunk. Az LHC elindulasanak eltolodasa lehetőve tette szamunkra, hogy kiterjedt elmeleti vizsgalatokat folytathassunk a nagy impulzusu reszecskek keletkezeseről, valamint folytathassuk a kiserleti adatok analizisere valo felkeszulest. Osszessegeben 3 kiserleti osszefoglalot es 12 elmeleti cikket publikaltunk. Budapesten, az MTA KFKI RMKI-ban tovabb folytattuk a VHMPID detektor epiteset es 2008 majusban sikeres teszteket vegeztunk az elkeszult prototipusokkal a CERN PS gyorsito 6 GeV/c masodlagos pion nyalabjanal. | This project was an extension of the OTKA project NK 62044 (2006-2009), which has the basic aim to identify experimentally and investigate theoretically charged hadrons produced with high transverse momentum in ultrarelativistic proton-proton and heavy ion collisions at the LHC accelerator. The received financial support has been spent to strengthen our collaboration with the Italian partner from Bari University and the CERN on the R&D activity for the planned VHMPID (Very High Momentum Particle Identification Detector) and to support the running of the mutually built and managed HMPID (High Momentum Particle Identification Detector). HMPID has been installed and comissioned in 2007-2008 at CERN and it was ready to start data collection. Because of the technical difficulties appeared at CERN have shifted the starting date to 2009, finally no p+p data has been collected in 2008. However, successfull cosmic ray tests have been performed during the Summer of 2008. We have participated on these tests and have supported the operation of the HMPID. A consequence of the delay was to have more time to perform theoretical model building and analysis. We have published 3 experimental summaries about the HMPID detector and 12 theoretical papers related to ALICE physics. We have continued our R&D activity on the construction of the VHMPID and performed beam tests at CERN PS on the prototypes, constructed in Budapest at the MTA KFKI RMKI.
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