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Cáncer de cuello uterino

Se realizo un estudio descriptivo retrospectivo para caracterizar el comportamiento del cancer de cuello uterino en una muestra de 162 pacientes con este diagnostico durante el periodo 2003-2009, en la Isla de la Juventud. A partir de la revision de los reportes de casos de la Unidad Nacional de Cancer, las historias clinicas individuales del Hospital General Docente de la Isla de la Juventud y del Instituto Nacional de Oncologia y Radiologia (INOR), asi como los reportes de fallecidos, se pudo observar que el 63 por ciento de los casos se presentaron en mujeres de 34 a 57 anos y que el 20 por ciento estaban en edades fuera del programa de pesquisa. El antecedente de neoplasia intrepitelial cervical (NIC) y/o infeccion por virus del papiloma humano (HPV) y el tabaquismo fueron los factores de riesgo mas frecuentes. Predomino el carcinoma epidermoide no queratinizado de celulas grandes y el estadio 0 o si situ. A la mayor parte de las pacientes se les practico tratamiento quirurgico como terapia inicial. La mayor mortalidad se observo entre la 5ta y 6ta decadas de la vida, con una supervivencia aceptable al termino de 5 anos (AU) A retrospective and descriptive study was conducted to characterize the behavior of cervix cancer in a sample of 162 patients with this diagnosis during 2003-2009 in the Isla de la Juventud municipality. From the review of case reports from the National Unit of Cancer the individual medical records of Teaching General Hospital of this municipality and from the National Institute of Oncology and Radiology, as well as the deceased persons, it was possible to note that the 63 percent of cases were women aged 34-57 and that the 20 percent was in ages outside the screening program. The NIC and/or infection by HPV and smoking were the more frequent risk factors. There was predominance of large cells epidermoid non-keratini zed carcinoma and the O stage or in situ. Most of patients were operated on is initial therapy. The great mortality was between fifth and sixth decades of life with a acceptable survival at 5 years (AU)
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