Экстремальная жизнь и создаваемая ею cамой себе область жизни в батиали Чёрного моря

The composition and structure of the extreme deep water biocenosis of the hydrogen sulfide (reduction) depth and the bathyal bottom of the Black Sea are very specific in the contrast to biogeocenoses (ecosystems) of the land, fresh waters and marine waters of the oxidizing zone. It’s reductive environment is considered to be an analogue of such of the most ancient primal ocean of our planet. There are no oxygen and light in this biogeocenosis; virophages – viruses parasites, bacteriophages – parasites of prokariotes as well as their hosts anaerobes – prokariotes - archeas and bacterias are inhabited and reproducted in it; spores of the allochtonic aerobes sanked to the bottom sediments from the land, fresh waters and oxidizing level of seas are in completely latent state; free living alive animals, plants and microoranisms-aerobes, those who would realized their full life cycle of development, growth and reproduction are not discovered. Formation and support of the specific environment of inhabitence are directly connected with species of archea and anaerobic bacteria as well as viruses in the extreme biogeocenosis. According to V.I. Vernadsky’s idea, the environment-forming role of the living matter ensure its survival. Large scale biogeochemical and radiochemoecological processes are going on in the reduction environment of the extreme biogeocenosis regarding to changes of physical state and chemical form of elements and radionuclides of natural and artificial origin. Great biological surfaces and very small masses of viruses (at their gigantic concentrations in sea water and sediments) and biochemical contents of “exploded ” archeas and bacterias infected by them in the recovery zone should attract attention to the control of a potentially great role of this physico-chemical factor in distribution, migration and turnover of chemical and radioactive substances in the depths of the Black Sea. Considering the wide cycle of biological processes in its recovery zone leads to necessity in forming of the extreme biology of the hydrogen sulfide depth and bottom hollow in a broad sense at the joint of other fields of natural sciences for the complex study of regularities of functioning of this large natural extreme biocenosis.
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