[The two components of carbon monoxide global exchange: CO intake and ductance. Relations with hematosis in invalidating chronic obstructive bronchopneumopathy (COBP) (author's transl)].

: In lasting rest, V'COs (or CO intake standardized for FICO = 0.0001) measures for this gas the activity of the exchange and its yield by DuCO. When V'COs (ml) is expressed for one litre of CO2 reject measured simultaneously, that is for a given metabolic activity, a constant standard is obtained in a healthy non smoking subject independent of its age and of ventilatory or morphometric data. Its lower limit (-2 standard deviations) is 12. V'COs/v'co2 and DuCO express 2 complementary data of the global CO exchange: the specific capacity of CO exchange (relatively to the exchange of the respiratory gas) and its quality. They are linked by ERCO2 indicating the degree of ventilatory compensation. In 65 cases of invalidating chronic obstructive bronchopneumopathy (COBP), the proposed test and the classic CO criteria were measured. A sample was taken simultaneously for arterial gasometry. Among all criteria of CO exchange, V'COs/V'CO2 appears as the most closely related to blood gases. The relationships of PaCO2 with the elements of the CO global exchange reflect and explain in the exchanges the clinical diversities of COBP.
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