Réinsertion des auteurs d’infractions à caractère sexuel : réflexion et échanges avec un responsable d’une communauté d’Emmaüs en région Centre-Val de Loire (France)

An Emmaus community is an association that welcomes individuals in need of shelter. These individuals can continue to live in one of the Emmaus houses provided they contribute towards household tasks. No skills are required and everyone helps out according to their level of ability. This ensures people who present with skills deficits and/or social impairment have a place to stay. Sexual offenders released from incarceration can therefore find somewhere to live in order to begin their rehabilitation into the community. Indeed, they often present with multiple stressors, low income, and a low level of education, which are all barriers to psychosocial rehabilitation. These, combined with a limited social network and homelessness, can contribute to reoffending.  The benefits of being part of the Emmaus community can be a positive step towards psychosocial rehabilitation and provide some social stability in order to assist in acquiring further competencies to fully transition to a safe living environment.
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