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As the advising profession moves toward one of proactive and holistic support, advisors are in­ creasingly expected to provide strategies to im­ prove student learning and cognition. Advisors who work with students pursuing STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math) majors will find this book particularly helpful. The authors delve into the educational experience related to teaching and learning as encountered by STEM students, and they present concrete strategies advisors can reference when working with stu­ dents. Referencing research and literature within the field of learning and cognition, the authors present a collection of approaches that apply specifically to STEM educators and those who work peripherally with STEM students. Advisors new to research surrounding learning and cognition will appreciate the pace at which the authors discuss various theories and pedagogical approaches. Readers need no prior knowledge of these concepts to benefit from the text. However, advisors experienced with learning theory may find parts of the book somewhat elementary or basic in structure (e.g., discussions of Bloom’s taxonomy before transitioning into cognitive strategies). Similarly, some concepts are discussed in great detail when a simple explanation or sample scenario may have sufficed. The authors clearly targeted their book to instructors of STEM courses. Consequently, STEM-related concepts are used to illustrate learning theory, models, and techniques. Therefore, advisors less familiar with STEM concepts may need to augment their current knowledge about these fields. Advisors who supervise academic coaching or tutoring programs, facilitate supplemental instruc­ tion, train teaching assistants, or instruct study skills courses will find this book particularly relevant to their daily work, and they will likely identify concrete learning strategies to integrate easily into their existing practice. The book also applies to advisors who work with STEM students in negative academic standing. For example, the
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