Papel da Lidocaína por Via Venosa no Tratamento da Dor na Esclerodermia. Relato de Caso * Intravenous Lidocaine to Treat Scleroderma Pain. Case Report

SUMMARY Kraychete DC, Guimaraes AC, Carvalho MG, Carvalho EM -IntravenousLidocainetoTreatSclerodermaPain.CaseReport BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Scleroderma or progres-sive systemic sclerosis is a systemic connective tissue diseaseof unknown origin, which normally courses withmicroangiopathy, extremities ischemia and severe pain. Thisreport aimed at describing a case of intravenous lidocaine totreatischemicpainandatemphasizingpotentialanti-inflamma-tory action of local anesthetics in scleroderma patients. CASE REPORT: Female patient, clear mulatto 34 years old,nursing assistant, with scleroderma for approximately 8 years,presented with severe continuous, daily pain (numeric scale =10)inupperandlowerlimbs,followedbytrophic,colorandtem-perature changes, and small ulcers on extremities. Patient wassubmittedto1weeklysessionofintravenous2%lidocaine(400mg) without vasoconstrictor for 10 weeks with pain, turgor, skinelasticity and peripheral perfusion improvement. CONCLUSIONS: Pain and other symptoms relief after intrave-nous lidocaine suggests that local anesthetics are able to mod-ulate inflammatory response in different scleroderma stages.
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