Straw and Xylan Utilization by Pure Cultures of Nitrogen-Fixing Azospirillum spp.

Abstract Azospirillum spp. were shown to utilize both straw and xylan, a major component of straw, for growth with an adequate combined N supply and also under N-limiting conditions. For most strains examined, a semisolid agar medium was satisfactory, but several strains appeared to be capable of slow metabolism of the agar. Subsequently, experiments were done with acid-washed sand supplemented with various carbon sources. In these experiments, authenticated laboratory strains, and all 16 recent field isolates from straw-amended soils, of both A. brasilense and A. lipoferum possessed the ability to utilize straw and xylan as energy sources for nitrogen fixation. Neither carboxymethyl cellulose nor cellulose was utilized. The strains and isolates differed in their abilities to utilize xylan and straw and in the efficiency of nitrogenase activity (CO2/C2H2 ratio). Reasonable levels of activity could be maintained for at least 14 days in the sand cultures. Nitrogenase activity (acetylene reduction) was confirmed by 15N2 incorporation. The level of nitrogenase activity observed was dependent on the time of the addition of acetylene to the culture vessels.
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