The Historical Background of the Iodine Project

ism, 1 and for many other medical conditions. 2 In the old pharmacopeias, Lugol solution was called Liquor Iodi Compositus. The minimum dose, called minim, was one drop containing 6.25 mg of elemental iodine, with 40% iodine and 60% iodide as the potassium salt. The recommended daily intake for iodine supplementation was 2-6 minims (drops) containing 12.5-37.5 mg elemental iodine. During the second half of the 20 th century, iodophobic misinformation, disseminated progressively and deceitfully among the medical profession, resulted in a decreased use of Lugol, with iodized salt becoming the standard for iodine supplementation. 1 The bioavailable iodide from iodized salt is only 10%, and the daily amount of iodide absorbed from iodized salt is 200-500 times less than the amount of iodine/iodide previously recommended by US physicians. After World War II, US physicians were educated early in their medical career to believe that inorganic, non-radioactive forms of iodine were toxic. Adverse reactions to radiographic contrast media and other iodine-containing drugs were blamed on iodine. If a patient told his/her physician that he/she could not tolerate seafood, the physician told him/ her that he/she was allergic to iodine.
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