Versiones fuerte y débil del modelo de información- motivación-habilidades conductuales en la predicción del uso del preservativo Strong and weak versions of the Information- Motivation-Behavioral Skills model in prediction of condom use

The Information-Motivation-Behavioral Skills model suggests that the effect of variables such as knowledge and attitudes towards HIV/AIDS and vulnerability are influenced by self-efficacy in condom use. This current study tests this hypothesis with a sample of adolescents in Colombia. The participants were 599 Colombian adolescents sexually active, from Secondary Education. The 65.94% of the sample were males. The average age was 15.58 years (TD=1.41). We used a factorial retrospective ex-post-facto design. The instruments used were HIV/AIDS-65 Questionnaire, the Spanish abbreviated adaptation of Bem Sexual Roles Inventory (BSRI) and the Spanish adaptation of the Sexual Opinion Survey (SOS). The results obtained shows that the variables related to information and motivation have a direct effect on condom use, which is not influenced by self-efficacy
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