Establishment of heat­exchange process regularities at inflammation of reed samples

The conducted studies into the influence of induction period on reed inflammation have established the mechanisms of the process of heat transfer to material which makes it possible to influence this process. It was proved that these mechanisms consist in heating material to a critical temperature at which an intensive decomposition of the material occurs with release of a critical amount of combustible gases and their inflammation. This makes it possible to establish effect of fire protection and properties of roofing formulations on inhibition of the reed inflammation process. Experimental studies have confirmed that untreated reed inflames under thermal action in 58 seconds which is respectively equal to the induction period of material decomposition and flame spreads throughout the material surface which results in a complete combustion of material. Duration of the induction period extends to 587.45 s due to decomposition of flame retardants under thermal action with emission of non-combustible gases inhibiting material oxidation and significantly intensifying formation of a heat protective layer of coke on the reed surface. This leads to a growth of the coke layer thickness and inhibition of heat transfer from high temperature flame to the material. The study has made it possible to determine conditions of fire protection of reed by creating a barrier for thermal conductivity. In addition, when a flame-retardant protection coating is applied, the temperature effect manifests itself in reactions in the pre-flame region with formation of soot-like products on the surface of a natural combustible material. This gives grounds to assert that the mechanism of imparting fire protection properties to the reed by means of bloating formulations is feasible and that the proposed technological solutions have practical attractiveness. The latter, in particular, relate to determination of quantity of the polymeric component since the reed is characterized by hydrophobicity and the aqueous solution of the flame detergent flows off the surface. Thus, there are grounds to assert that the controlled fire protection of reed can be ensured through the use of a complex roofing formulation of a mixture of flame retardants and a natural polymer capable of forming a flame-retardant film on the material surface
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