Towards sustainable tourism for Ikare: the role of the tourism action club

This paper aims to promote the development of a form of tourism product that can help to promote economic development at Ikare.,The study was conducted at Ikare using a qualitative approach. Tourism assets were identified through interviews and visits to attractions.,Ikare has significant tourism assets that if well harnessed will over time, change the socio-cultural and economic outlook of the town. It is also imperative that the newly formed Ikare Tourism Action Club achieves the objective of this transformation by focussing on the promotion of local tourism assets through local participation.,There were no limitations in conducting this research, however, there may be some limitations in relation to the Ikare Tourism Action Club’s ability to access the funds it needs to achieve its objectives in promoting development from international funding agencies with an interest in nature, cultural and heritage tourism.,Ikare is uniquely blessed with a number of spring waters or rivers as they are more often referred to. These spring waters are not common in any other part of Nigeria because of their unique history. Part of the history is that the springs run throughout the year, irrespective of the degree of drought, thereby providing a sustainable water supply to all the inhabitants of the town. Some of the springs serve specific purposes as they are connected to some of the town’s cultural heritage sites.,Apart from its people, there are cultural assets that underline tourism that tourists look forward to in any destination. In terms of natural resources, there is a little problem because if compared to other towns in Ondo State that do not have such a natural resource base, then the future for Ikare would be quite bright especially if Ikare improves its natural attractions.,Ikare has never been promoted as an ecotourism destination. An aspect of the objective of the Ikare Tourism Action Club is to promote Ikare as a unique tourism destination. In so doing, the development of ecotourism activities in Ikare will offer a unique opportunity that will positively influence the conservation of protected areas and socio/economic development for local people.
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