Evaluation du risque anesthesique pour anesthesie générale au service de chirurgie pédiatrique de l’hopital national Donka.

Pediatric anesthesia has evolved in recent years with a significant reductionin mortality and severe morbidity. The objective was to assess the risks ofanesthetics in the pediatric surgical department.Patients and methods - This was a prospective cross-sectional study lasting6 months in the pediatric anesthesia unit of Donka National Hospital. Concerningall patients who have undergone surgery under general anesthesia.Results - We collected 386 patients including 278 cases operated on undergeneral anesthesia, is 72%. The male sex was predominant (52.52%) with a sex ratio of 1.11. The mean age was 7.78 ± 4.41 years with extremes of1 month and 15 years. The pre-anesthetic consultation was performed in72.66% by the nurse anesthetist against 27.34% by the pre-anesthetic evaluation.76 children were taken urgently against 202 scheduled cases. Most ofour patients were ASA1 114 cases; followed by ASA 2,66 cases, ASA 3,56cases and 42 cases of ASA 4. General anesthesia with orotracheal intubationwas performed at 69.78% versus 30.22% without orotracheal intubation. Inhalationinduction with fluothane 24.46% versus 75.54% with ketamine. Ourpatients did not benefit from curares and opioids. We recorded 3 cases ofintraoperative death (1.08%).Conclusion - Medical training and equipping our structures with anestheticmaterials will reduce morbidity and mortality in pediatric anesthesia.
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