Learning model engineering in improving student skills in pandemic COVID-19

Web-based learning media is an educational services, allows the realization of edutainment with internet media. Compared to web-based learning, the problems of conventional learning can be viewed as limited interactivity of educators and students, the flexibility of providing time, place and teaching materials, and accessibility of learning material resources. This research aimed to determine the effect of learning by web-based second stage delivery care modules on improving the Associate's Degree(D-III)of Midwifery students. This research was a mixed methods research, combining R&D and Quantitative approaches, taking samples using total sampling, and held at STIKES Nani Hasanuddin in February-March 2021.The sample in this study was 60 associate's degree of midwifery students in the fourth semester, divided into 30 respondents as the control group and 30 respondents as the intervention group. Data were analyzed using the Independent T-Test. The learning model used the Askeb II delivery module learning combined with practice and demonstration for the intervention group, while the control group demonstrated using the available Askeb II learning guide. The modules were accessed and studied for three weeks. The length of the study was 4-5 times a week witha duration of 2 hours. The results showed that the average score of the student intervention group was 70, with 11 students passing (36.66%) and 19 students not passing (63.33%). In the post-test, the average score was 83, with 28 respondents were passing (93.33%) and two people were not (6.66%).Meanwhile, in the pre-test control group, the average score was 71, with 12 people passing (40%) and 18 people failed (60%). In the post-test, the average score was 76, with 21 people passing (70%) and 9 people failed (30%). Based on these results, it can be concluded that there were differences in student learning outcomes after using the Web-based Class II Normal Childbirth Care Learning Module so that the W-based Normal Childbirth Care Learning Module was better in increasing knowledge and skills of the second stage normal childbirth care.
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