Aktivitas antivirus influenza dari ekstrak metanol buah Momordica charantia Aktivitas antivirus influenza dari ekstrak metanol buah Momordica charantia

The outbreak of influenza A (H1N1) viruses has raised a global concern on the future risk of a pandemic. Oseltamivir, the current influenza drug, could not meet the demand if there is a major outbreak. Thus, there is a need to find alternative treatment for influenza A. Our molecular docking work on influenza inhibition activity has led to the selection of plant to be studied, Momordica charantia. The objectives of this study were to determine the antiviral activity of Momordica charantia fruits against H1N1 influenza virus inoculated in 11-days embryonated chicken eggs. The antiviral activity was performed in hemaglutination assay using chicken red blood cells. This is a method for titering influenza viruses based on their ability to attach to molecules present on the surface of red blood cells. Result showed that there is no toxicity detected on the chicken embryos after treated with 1000µg/ml the extract for 72 hours. The extract inhibits 75.5% of the H1N1 hemaglutinin titer. In conclusion, the methanolic extract of Momordica charantia fruits has a potential to be developed as antiinfluenza.
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