SPIN reveals genome-wide landscape of nuclear compartmentalization

Chromosomes segregate differentially relative to distinct subnuclear structures, but this genome-wide compartmentalization, pivotal for modulating genome function, remains poorly understood. New genomic mapping methods can reveal chromosome positioning relative to specific nuclear structures. However, computational methods that integrate their results to identify overall intranuclear chromosome positioning have not yet been developed. We report SPIN, a new method to identify genome-wide nuclear spatial localization patterns. As a proof-of-principle, we use SPIN to integrate nuclear compartment mapping (TSA-seq and DamID) and chromatin interaction data (Hi-C) from K562 cells to identify 10 spatial compartmentalization states genome-wide relative to nuclear speckles, lamina, and nucleoli. These SPIN states show novel patterns of genome spatial organization and their relation to genome function (transcription and replication timing). Comparisons of SPIN states with Hi-C subcompartments and lamina-associated domains (LADs) from multiple cell types suggest constitutive compartmentalization patterns. By integrating different readouts of higher-order genome organization, SPIN provides critical insights into nuclear spatial and functional compartmentalization.
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