Messaged Multi-agent System as a Tool for Strengthening Innovative Capabilities of Business Models

Business models raised on popularity in recent years among both researchers and practitioners. However, operational research in the area of business modelling is limited, especially regarding business processes. Greater focus is nowadays put on strategic layer and other perspectives of business models. Thus, the aim of the paper is to implement business model in the form of messaged multi-agent system at the operational layer with process perspective as building block of the model. This approach strengthens the innovative capabilities of business models. In our paper, first, correspondent literature review is presented. The focus is given on investigation of relations of business models and business process management discipline. Process perspective is emphasized because it is naturally capable of integration of other perspectives, e.g. dynamic perspective, revenue model, business logic, resource-based view, etc. Second, it is shown, how can messaged multi-agent system be used as a supporting tool incorporating business model dynamics through innovation, while integrating different business model perspectives. As a result, messaged multi-agent system is introduced. It represents unique implementation of a business model reflecting on a trading company, where interactions between process participants are mediated through messages. The presented results involve comparison of two business models’ implementations, where the redesigned business model incorporates changes in pricing of the product and marketing campaigning. Process mining method and statistics are used to comment on the outcomes. Process mining plays a crucial role as it is used for validation of business logic, discovery of business process model and comparative analysis of both business models.
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