いちごハウス栽培農業従事者の健康状態に関する疫学的研究 : 1. 労働条件と自覚症状の素質的解析

: An epidemiological survey focused on farmers engaged in vinyl-house culture of strawberry was carried out among the inhabitants of a farming village. For avoiding residential and habitual factors, all residents (851 in number) over 12 years of age in the area were inquired about symptoms, personal and family histories. There were no marked difference in age and sex among three groups, i.e. farmers with and without vinyl-house culture and people with no relation to farming in this area. Incidence of one of the inquired symptoms were 54% and 45% in farmers with and without strawberry culture in vinyl-house respectively, and 34% in the non-farming people. This difference became more larger up to 83% in the strawberry farmers of allergic constitution. Symptoms found more in the farmers than the other were headache, dizziness, conjunctivitis, rhinorrea, sneeze, palpitation and neuralgia, and the last four symptoms were more marked among farmers in charge of strawberry culture. Incidence of the allergic symptom consisting of conjunctivitis, rhinorrea and sneeze was more marked among the persons of allergic constitution . In conclusion, health effects of strawberry culture in vinyl-house in farmers can be look upon from three aspects; overwork, a particular stance during the work and allergic responses to the dust in the vinyl-house.
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