SELETIVIDADE DE ATRAZINE E NICOSULFURON A Podisus nigrispinus (HETEROPTERA: PENTATOMIDAE)¹ Selectivity of Atrazin and Nicosulfurom to Podisus nigrispinus (Heteroptera: Pentatomidae)

Corn is traditionally grown in two annual harvests in Brazil and consumed by humans and animals. The use of herbicides to control weeds in this crop may compromise the environment, affecting non-target organisms. The aim of this study was to evaluate the selectivity of atrazine and nicosulfuron on the predator Podisus nigrispinus Dallas, 1851 (Heteroptera: Pentatomidae). The treatments consisted of application of a combination of atrazine and nicosulfuron in doses equivalent to the commercial dose, plus a water-based control. The solution with herbicides was sprayed on two- day- old eggs of P. nigrispinus and at each ofthe five nymphal stages and adult phase ofthe insects. The viability of eggs of P. nigrispinus decreased under the action of the herbicides, without differences regarding time of hatching. The survival of nymphs was low under the effect of the herbicides, being more adversely affected by the action ofthe herbicide mixtures. For the application at each stage, we observed a low survival rate of nymphs from the first to the third instar under the action ofthe herbicide atrazine, alone, or in combination, and even at the second stage for nicosulfuron. Lower selectivity to herbicide mixture also became evident at all the insect stages, compared to the isolated effect. It was concluded that eggs of P. nigrispinus are sensitive to herbicides and that application of such products on corn may decrease the biological pest control provided by this insect.
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