Quantifying Portability of an Aspect Oriented Software Using Fuzzy Logic

The quality of the software is measured in terms of its capability to fulfill the needs of the users and also its ability to achieve the developer's goal. Quality is mainly studied by quality model. In this paper an attempt has been made to quantifying the portability of aspect oriented software using ISO/IEC 9126 Model. Due to the unpredictable nature of software quality attributes, the fuzzy multi criteria approach has been used to evolve the quality of the software. Fuzzy Logic is a powerful problem-solving methodology that can be used for applications in many areas such as embedded control and information processing. Fuzzy Logic provides an easier way to infer definite conclusions from highly imprecise, vague, and ambiguous information when compared with classical logic. Fuzzy Logic brings us close to human decision making, enabling one to analyze approximate data to precise solutions. Classical logic requires a high understanding of the system, whereas Fuzzy Logic allows for the modeling of a complex system using a higher level of abstraction originating from our experience and knowledge, without diving deep into the system (9). Fuzzy Logic incorporates a simple, rule-based "If X and Y then Z" approach for solving the problem rather than solving it mathematically. The Fuzzy Logic model is completely empirical and relies on the experience of the operator rather than the technical understanding of the subject. The technique of triangular fuzzy has been adopted in this paper. Software quality is a very important aspect for developers, users, and project managers. Different models are proposed for generic software applications. Out of these models, ISO/IEC 9126 model (1) is the most prominent model, which includes the findings of almost all other models. This is widely accepted and recognized in the industry and research community. Researchers made several efforts to implement this model for component based systems with minor modifications. This present work attempts to quantify the software portability using the ISO/IEC 9126 Model (1) as the base model with appropriate modifications to it. In order to deal with the fuzziness or uncertainty in quantifying the actual software parameters, the fuzzy multi criteria approach has been used. We used fuzzy logic approach to measure the portability of aspect oriented java application. (8)
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