Human-Biomonitoring : Untersuchungen auf Arsen, Blei und PCDD/F bei Bewohnern eines kontaminierten Wohngebietes

The levels of arsenic in urine, lead in blood, and PCDD/F in blood fat were determined in 12 subjects living in a residential area where the soil was contaminated by arsenics lead, PCDD/F and other pollutants. Six residents (group I, mean age 56 years) were living on the contaminated site for at least 35 years, and had consumed home-grown vegetables and fruits as well as self-produced animal products (eggs, meat). Six residents (group II, mean age 47 years) had been living on the contaminated site for an average period of 9 years, and had consumed only minor amounts of home-grown vegetables and fruits, but no self-produced animal products. Some of them had skin contact with contaminated soil during excavation and garden work. For comparison, blood and urine samples of subjects living in the same region but not exposed to soil contaminants were investigated for the above mentioned parameters. The reference subjects were selected by age and gender in order to form matched pairs with the exposed subjects. The levels of arsenic in urine and lead in blood did not differ significantly between the residents of the contaminated area and the reference subjects. With regard to PCDD/F in blood fat a significantly increased PCDD/F - body burden was found for the subjects of group I (median: 41.5 pg I-TE/g fat, range: 18.0-54.6 pg I-TE/g fat; reference group, median: 20.3 pg I-TE/g fat, range: 12.2- 30.5 pg I-TE/g fat), whereas the subjects of group II had only a moderately, but not significantly increased PCDD/F-body burden (median: 23.4 pg I-TE/g fat, range 13.1 -45.8 pg I-TE/g fat) when compared with the reference group (median: 13.9 pg I-TE/g fat, range: 12.1-30.5 pg I-TE/g fat). Increased PCDD/F levels in blood fat seemed to be related mainly to the consumption of self-produced animal products. From the present-day toxicological point of view, none of the subjects examined in this study had a critical body burden of PCDD/F.
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