Design and implementation of a qualitative simulation model of lambda phage infection.

Motivation: Molecular biology databases hold a large number of empirical facts about many different aspects of biological entities. That data is static in the sense that one cannot ask a database 'What effect has protein A on gene B ?' or 'Do gene A and gene B interact, and if so, how?'. Those questions require an explicit model of the target organism. Traditionally, biochemical systems are modelled using kinetics and differential equations in a quantitative simulator. For many biological processes however, detailed quantitative information is not available, only qualitative or fuzzy statements about the nature of interactions. Results: We designed and implemented a qualitative simulation model of λ phage growth control in Escherichia coli based on the existing simulation environment QSim. Qualitative reasoning can serve as the basis for automatic transformation of contents of genomic databases into interactive modelling systems that can reason about the relations and interactions of biological entities.
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