Refutation of the theorie of gases greenhouse

There is an area in the atmosphere called the tropopause where the temperature is constant and equal to-56.5 ° C on a thickness of a few kilometers 1. The heat transfer can make it only at constant temperature: single the radiative effect and the phase change of a pure substance are then possible.The blackbody radiation laws thus apply, including the law Stefan says that the radiated energy depend only on the absolute temperature. To-56.5° C, so this one is 120W / m2 2. The tropopause causes an effect greenhouse for radiation absorbed and re-emitted by the black body to its temperature. This radiation upwards as downwards therefore need a total energy of 240W / m2 to guarantee the duration of the phenomenon. That's about that measured at the surface of the Earth from the sun 3. On the other hand, the existence for millions of years with a temperature relatively constant on Earth imposes an almost balance between the solar energy received and that emitted to space by the tropopause. As the energy irradiated in space can not exceed 120W / m2 legislated Stefan, energy solar received continuously is only 120W / m2 instead of 240W / m2. This
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