Impairment and disability evaluation: II. Various legislations

The various legislations that concern work-related asthma (WRA) are reviewed and discussed in this chapter. Medicolegal compensation of WRA covers two major aspects: (i) diagnosis, compensation, and readaptation of the worker at the time of referral; and (ii) long-term compensation for impairment and disability after the diagnosis. In some countries, the diagnosis relies on the existence of tables that list all agents that are accepted in causing occupational asthma (OA): for this, the fact of being exposed to one of these agents and having symptoms, compatible immunological and functional features is enough to accept a case of compensation. In other countries, whatever the agent, the presence of symptoms and compatible immunological and functional changes is sufficient. A detailed table presents for different countries the following information: Identification of the responsible administration, who submits the claim? Are immunologic irritant-induced OA as well as asthma aggravated at work compensated? Who examines claims? Is a positive specific inhalation challenge a prerequisite to confirm the diagnosis? Information on the number of cases accepted on a yearly basis and if permanent disability is awarded is also given.
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