Volumetric MR imaging of the liver and applications.

: Recent improvements in MR technology have enabled the development of volumetric three-dimensional (3D) imaging methods for fat-suppressed T1-weighted images of the entire upper abdomen with pixel sizes of approximately 2 mm in all dimensions and with acquisition times of less than 25 seconds for breath-hold imaging. When performed with a timing scheme, dynamic contrast-enhanced volumetric imaging of the liver can be performed with selective imaging during the arterial phase and portal venous phase of enhancement. The volumetric data sets can be reconstructed in any oblique plane, enabling improved detection, localization, and characterization of small liver lesions. The combination of high-resolution isotropic pixels and accurate timing also permits angiographic reconstructions of the 3D images, producing MR angiography and venography that can be useful in therapeutic planning, such as for catheter-based interventions or surgical resections or transplantation. Additionally, with use of a hepatobiliary contrast agent such as mangafodipir, T1-weighted volumetric MR cholangiography can be performed in patients with nonobstructed systems for depiction of intrahepatic biliary anatomy.
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