Small holder poultry management practices and constraints among women poultry farmers in Kano, Nigeria.

The poultry population in Nigeria is estimated at 104.3 million comprising of 72.4 million chickens, 11.8 million ducks, 4.7 million guinea fowls, 15.2 million pigeons and 0.2 million turkeys (FDLPCS, 1992; Ajala et al., 2007). The main sources of animal protein in Nigeria include beef, chicken, mutton, eggs, fish and rabbit. Of all these sources, poultry has the highest contribution to animal protein intake of rural dwellers (Ajala et al., 2007). Women in Africa and Asia make up more than one third of the farm work force, accounting for about 70% of the agricultural workers, 80% of the food producers and 100% of those who process basic foodstuff and 60-90% of those involved in marketing agricultural products (Anon, 1993; Maigida, 2000; Herath, 2008). Yet the role of women in these activities, as economically important as they are, has for many years not been appreciated either because women play very little part in the political activities or the decision making process, until recently (Anon, 1993). Women have important roles to play in animal production (Sanni, 2004; Herath, 2008) although these roles may vary according to the types of animals' being kept, type of production and other economic and cultural constraints (Oladele and Adekoya, 1990; Ogbosuka et al., 2003; Herath, 2005). Ample evidence indicates that many women across Nigeria whether in purdah or not, are engaged in various aspects of animal production (Maigida, 2000). However, as poultry farmers, women in many parts of Africa and Asia experienced or faced problems that tend to undermine their determination to raise income through rearing of animals on daily basis (Anon, 1993; Herath, 2005; Sonaiya, 2007). The integration of women as both agents and beneficiaries of development in the main sectors of the agricultural economy must therefore be a priority objective (Sanni, 2004). Kano is renowned as a centre of commerce and increasing number of people are engaged in rearing livestock particularly poultry. This serves to keep the women engaged and also supplement the income of the family especially among the working class in addition to providing eggs and meat to the family for consumption. Against this background, the objective of the survey was therefore to find out the management practices and associated problems faced by women poultry farmers in Kano. Keywords : Women, Smallholder, Poultry, Management, Kano Nigerian Veterinary Journal 32(2) 2011
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