Targeted Technology: Data Analysis in Internet Development and Delivery

Data analysis is a key component that can allow businesses with e-commerce to gain an advantage in delivering customer-oriented content and options. Gone are the days of flaming logos and rollover buttons. Enter the need for Web sites that truly connect with customers and make pertinent offerings, while at the same time providing detailed information for future marketing and business decisions. Millions of dollars are spent testing traditional media to determine message strategy, color schemes, profitable contact lists and media effectiveness. In addition, consumer behavior studies and ethnographic research are performed to determine best lighting, product locations and promotions that influence the customer the most and result in higher sales. Now that the Internet has established itself as part of a company s strategic plan, it is imperative that the same development efforts and dedication be given to its Web site. Similar to brick and mortar stores and offices, Internet sites need to be built with an understanding of the customer s needs and wants, as well as what unique value your company can offer them to come into your site, buy something and later return to buy again. An imperative step in an Internet site s effectiveness and profitability is that it is targeted to meet the needs and demands of its customers, whether these demands are implicit or explicit. The old adage of a successful business used to be location, location, location. Possibly the new adage for e-commerce will be value, value, value. Better Web sites mean that companies add value to customers experiences. They have easier navigation, broader product offerings and any number of solutions for a company s customer. This information can be found in a company s database and research. Since Internet sites are on a digital (computer) platform, most companies are, by default of Internet architecture, generating some type of log files (records of Internet clicks), registration information, sales information or even complaint information. Unfortunately, some companies do not realize that this information can provide valuable insights, which would allow a company to present a relevant offer to customers and generate higher revenues. Max Kilger Ph.D., a chief researcher for Symmetrical, a media and marketing information company, and a veteran at helping companies utilize data, says, Probably the most important concept that marketers and communications people should understand about data and data analysis is that data is like gold ore residing, almost hiding, in business and marketing data are the keys to understanding the consumer purchase relationship, that like a fingerprint is both unique to your business as well as an essential, un-detachable part of your enterprise. The goal of data analysis is to mine that gold ore, to extract the precious metals from it that ultimately drive the success of your business (Kilger, 2001). As a company recognizes the opportunity to put collected data to use, there are some simple steps that can be used to maximize the investment of resources in making Web sites more customer-oriented and profitable. These steps include:
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