Learning discourse : discursive approaches to research in mathematics education

Guest Editorial. Acknowledgements. There is more to discourse than meets the ears: Looking at thinking as communicating to learn more about mathematical learning A. Sfard. Educational forms of initiation in mathematical culture B. van Oers. Cultural, discursive psychology: A socio-cultural approach to studying the teaching and learning of mathematics S. Lerman. The multiple voices of a mathematics classroom community E. Forman, E. Ansell. 'Can any fraction be turned into a decimal?' A case study of a mathematical group discussion M.C. O'Connor. The mathematical discourse of 13-year-old partnered problem solving and its relation to the mathematics that emerges C. Kieran. Making mathematical meaning through dialogue: 'Once you think of it, the Z minus three seems pretty weird' V. Zack, B. Graves. Commentary Papers: From describing to designing mathematical activity: The next step in developing a social approach to research in mathematics education? C. Hoyles. Research on discourse in the mathematics classroom: A commentary F. Seeger. Instructions for Authors.
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