Анализ субфедеральной бюджетной обеспеченности и межбюджетных трансфертов: методы и результаты

effective functioning. In Russia the most of socially significant expenditures is concentrated at the sub-federal level. The purpose of the study is to analyze the main directions of the formation and directions of the use of sub-federal budgets in the Russian Federation. The executed complex of calculations on materials of consolidated budgets of the subjects of the Russian Federation has allowed to reveal features of formation of revenues and expenditures of sub-federal budgets. The results of the research can be used to study the possibilities of improving the budget policy in the direction of equalization and stimulation of subjects of the Federation to strengthen their own revenue base. In addition, the analysis made it possible to characterize the budget situation at the sub-federal level from the point of view of the sufficiency of the financial resources for exercising its own and transferred powers.
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