Concurrent photoacoustic-ultrasound imaging using single-laser pulses

Conventional ultrasound (US) and photoacoustic (PA) multimodality imaging require the use of a US pulse for US data acquisition and a laser pulse for PA data acquisition. We propose a method for concurrent US and PA data acquisition with a single-laser pulse. A light-absorbing multilayer film that can generate a US pulse based on the thermoelastic effect is used. The selection of appropriate layer thickness, interlayer spacing, and absorption coefficient allows the spectral characteristics of the generated US signal to be adjusted so that it does not overlap with the spectrum of the PA signal generated by the light transmitting through the layer. Thus, the US signal and the PA signal can be generated, received, and separated by using a single-laser pulse combined with spectral filtering. This method is demonstrated using a multilayer film that generates US signals with a center frequency of 24.2 MHz and fractional bandwidth of 26.8%. The synthetic-aperture focusing technique is applied to improve the lateral resolution and the signal-to-noise ratio. A cyst-like phantom and a film phantom were used to demonstrate the feasibility of this method of concurrent PA-US imaging using single-laser pulses.
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