Polvo de vancomicina tópico para la prevención de infección de herida quirúrgica en cirugía electiva de columna por vía posterior

Objective To assess the effectiveness and safety of vancomycin powder as surgical site infection (SSI) prophylaxis in posterior bilateral elective spinal surgery. Materials and methods Single-center quasi-experimental pre and postintervention comparative cohort study. The post-intervention group received standard intravenous antibiotic prophylaxis plus 1g of vancomycin powder into the surgical field before wound closure, and the pre-intervention group only the intravenous prophylaxis. Results 150 patients were included in each group. Twelve SSI (7 superficial and 5 deep) occurred in the post-intervention group and 16 SSI (7 superficial and 9 deep) in the pre-intervention group. The risk of deep SSI decreased from 6.0% to 3.3% (OR 0,54, 95%CI 0.17-1.65, p=0.411) with vancomycin powder. The percentage of deep SSI due to gram negative-positive germs were 80%-20% and 33%-67% for the post- and pre-intervention groups, respectively (p=0.265). No local or systemic adverse effects occurred attributable to vancomycin powder. Conclusion In posterior elective spinal surgery, prophylaxis with vancomycin powder did not result in a significantly reduced incidence of superficial and deep SSI. There was a trend towards a higher incidence of deep SSI caused by gram negative microorganisms among those treated with vancomycin.
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