The HELIO-geophysical storminess health effects in the cardio-vascular system of a human in the middle and high latitudes.

cardiovascular impairment remains one of the most current problems of today's life and the definition of the connection between its development and the state of heliogeophysical storminess is currently important. The results of long-term researches of communication between cardiovascular catastrophes (myocardial infarction) and heliogeophysical storminess in the middle and high latitudes are shown in this study the influence of space weather parameters on human cardio-vascular system in the high and middle latitudes. To define the particular space weather parameters and the mechanisms of their influence on human myocardial infarction progressing.for the statistical processing of medical records data we use a spectral-time analysis, a correlation method and a method of overlapping of epochs. We have studied about 145 thousand medical records of ambulance medical services for the period of 1992 -2001. In order to define the reasons influencing the development of a myocardial infarction, we have made a comparison of myocardial infarction progress cases with Kp-index characterizing the level of geomagnetic storminess.the coincidence of geomagnetic storminess maximum with the cases of myocardial infarction, as well as the number of heart attacks excess in 1.5 times per a year near the maximum heliogeophysical activity (1992) compared to the year near the minimum of activity (1998) indicate possible influence of geomagnetic storminess on the myocardial infarction development of people living in subauroral was concluded that the appearance of heliogeophysical storminess in the myocardial infarction development in the mid-latitudes is largely due to the presence of Pc1 geomagnetic pulsations, and in the high latitudes, especially in maximum years of heliogeophysical storminess, it is due to the geomagnetic storminess caused by the parameters of the solar wind and the interplanetary magnetic field.
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