Ultimate survivor : an Eastern Cape sculptor's outpouring against women and child abuse

I was a victim of violence as a child, and saw physical and sexual abuse of women and children taking place all around me. Now, as an individual male Xhosa-speaking adult, I have become aware that the scourge of violence against women and children takes many forms, and is usually perpetrated by men. This realisation has led me to become unconditionally committed to publicly standing up against such abuse, both in my way of life and in my artworks. This article traces aspects of my early experiences while growing up in the township of Mdantsane, near East London. It also reflects on events and messages embodied by my artworks, culminating in thinking about how reconstruction of the work Ultimate Survivor symbolises breakage, then slow post-abuse revival and healing that can occur as lives are rebuilt. I conclude with a call for adoption of louder and more effective interventions against women and child abuse. My sculptures were created towards achievement of my BTech: Fine Art Degree at Walter Sisulu University at the end of 2014. Co-author, John Steele, was my supervisor, and has collaborated with me in producing this article. Isigqibo somphumeleli : umbumbi wodongwe waseMpuma koloni uthetha ngokunga fihlisi malunga nempatho gadalala kubantu ababhinqileyo kunye nabantwana Ndazifumana ndilixhoba lophathwa gadalala xeshikweni ndingumntwana, kwananjalo ndibona uxhaphazo okanye impatho gadalala ngokwesondo kunye nohlukumezo lwabantwana nababhinqileyo luzenzeka kwintlalo endingqungileyo. Ngoku, njengendoda endilisekileyo yakwaXhosa, ndiye ndafumanisa ukuba ukuxhatshazwa kwabantwana nabantu ababhinqileyo kuzindidi ngeendidi, kwaye ngamaxesha amaninzi ibangelwa ngamadoda. Okokuqonda kuye kwandiqhubele ekutheni ndizinikele kwaye ndime elubala ekuchaseni obobundlobongela, ngendlela yam yokuphila kunye nangemisebenzi yam endiyenza ngezandla. Eliphepha liqulathe ezinye zezinto endihlangabezane nazo ekukhuleni kwam njenge nkwenkwana ekhulele eMdantsane, kufutshane naseMonti. Kwakhona ndicaphule kwizinto ezenzekayo nakwimiyalezo engqamane nabantu ngomsebenzi wam wezandla, ekugqibeleni ndicinga ngendlela endiphinde ndabumba ngayo umsebenzi wezandla ogama lingu Ultimate Survivor ebonisa indlela yokuphinda uqhubeke nobomi obobusele buzingceba ngenxa yoxhatshazwa. Ndivalelise ngokukhwaza ukhwelo lokulwa okanye lokuchasa ubundlobongela ebantwaneni nakubantu ababhinqileyo. Imisebenzi yam yezandla ndiyenze kwixesha lam lokwenza izifundo ze BTech: Fine Art Degree eWalter Sisulu University ekupheleni komnyaka u2014. Umququzeleli uJohn Steele, bendisebenza phantsi kwengqeqesho yakhe,kwaye uye waphinda wasebenzisana nam ekwenzeni lengcazelo.
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