Speedy Whegs Climbs Obstacles Slowly and Runs at 44 km/hour

This work presents Speedy Whegs, a new Whegs vehicle that can climb over obstacles slowly and also run at a top speed of 44 km/hr (27 mph). It is powered by two parallel motor/transmission pairs modified from off-the-shelf components. Its three-speed transmissions can be shifted by remote control while the robot is in motion. Speedy Whegs accelerates to outrun all but the fastest humans in 40 yard and 100 yard distances. It is the fastest “multi-leggedrobot in terms of gross speed and also the fastest of similar size or larger robots in terms of bodylengths per second. In fact, in terms of bodylengths per second it is faster than cheetahs. Despite having no suspension system or compliant legs, it is stable while running at top speed over grassy fields with minor irregularities.
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