Níveis de desidratação nos praticantes de atividade física do município de Coari-AM

IntroduA§A£o: durante a prAitica de exercA­cio fA­sico, todo indivA­duo estarAi sujeito A  desidrataA§A£o, principalmente quando o exercA­cio A© realizado em ambientes quentes. Dessa forma, a ingestA£o adequada de lA­quidos antes, durante e apA³s o exercA­cio fA­sico A© fundamental para a prevenA§A£o da desidrataA§A£o. Objetivo: Avaliar os nA­veis de desidrataA§A£o nos praticantes de atividade fA­sica do municA­pio de Coari, AM, bem como identificar seus efeitos a partir da desidrataA§A£o entre o pAoblico em estudo. Material e MA©todos: Aplicou-se um questionAirio contendo informaA§Aµes de carAiter sociodemogrAificas, questAµes voltadas para o hAibito de hidrataA§A£o e tempo de duraA§A£o do exercA­cio. Para determinar o grau de desidrataA§A£o, os praticantes foram pesados antes e apA³s o treino. Resultados: Contou-se com a participaA§A£o de 100 praticantes, sendo 63% do sexo masculino. Grande parte dos praticantes (64%) relatou nA£o ingerir Aigua no prA©-treino. Com relaA§A£o ao peso, a perda de peso identificada apA³s o treino nA£o foi estatisticamente significativa. Entre os principais sintomas de desidrataA§A£o, 23% apresentaram suor intenso e 22% cA¢imbra muscular. ConclusA£o: A maioria dos praticantes nA£o realiza de forma correta a hidrataA§A£o antes e durante a prAitica do exercA­cio, o que desencadeou efeitos colaterais apA³s o treino. ABSTRACT Levels of dehydration in activity practitioners of physical Coari-AMIntroduction: During the practice of physical exercise, all individual will be subject to dehydration, mainly when exercising is realized in hot environments. Thus, adequate fluid intake before, during and, after exercise is critical to preventing dehydration. Objective: to evaluate the levels of dehydration in physical activity practitioners in the city of Coari, AM, as well as to identify their effects from dehydration among the public in study. Material and Methods: Applied a questionnaire containing information of character sociodemographic, questions related to the habit of hydration and duration time of the exercise. To determine the degree of dehydration, practitioners were weighed before and after training. Results: It counted with the participation of 100 practitioners, being 63% male. Most of the practitioners (64%) related to not intake water in the pre-workout. Regarding the difference between weight and the loss of weight identified after the exercise it was not statistically significant. In between the mean symptoms of dehydration, 23% had presented intense sweat and 22% muscle cramp. Conclusion: Most of the practitioners not perform the correct hydration during the exercise practice. Much of the individuals reported low water intake before and during training, which triggered side effects after training.
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