Exhumation of an eclogite terrane as a hot migmatitic nappe, Sveconorwegian orogen

We demonstrate a case of eclogite exhumation in a partially molten, low-viscosity fold nappe within high-grade metamorphosed crust in the Eastern Segment of the Sveconorwegian orogen. The nappe formed during tectonic extrusion, melt-weakening assisted exhumation and foreland-directed translation of eclogitized crust, and stalled at 35-40 km depth within the collisional belt. The eclogites are structurally restricted to a regional recumbent fold in which stromatic orthogneiss with pods of amphibolitized eclogite make up the core. High-temperature mylonitic gneiss with remnants of kyanite eclogite (P > 15 kbar) composes a basal shear zone 50 km long and <4 km wide. Heterogeneously sheared and partly migmatized augen gneiss forms a tectonostratigraphic marker in front of and beneath the nappe, and is in turn structurally enveloped by a composite sequence of orthogneisses and metabasites. The entire tectonostratigraphic pile underwent near-pervasive deformation and recrystallization under high-pressure granulite and upper amphibolite conditions. U-Pb SIMS metamorphic zircon ages of eclogite and stromatic orthogneiss constrain the time of eclogitization at 988 +/- 6 Ma and 978 +/- 7 Ma. Migmatization, concomitant deformation, and exhumation are dated at 976 +/- 6 Ma, and crystallization of post-kinematic melt at 956 +/- 7 Ma. Orthogneiss protoliths are dated at 1733 +/- 11 and 1677 +/- 10 Ma (stromatic gneiss) and 1388 +/- 7 Ma (augen gneiss in footwall), demonstrating origins indigenous to the Eastern Segment. Eclogitization and exhumation were coeval with the Rigolet phase of the Grenvillian orogeny, reflecting the late stage of continental collision during construction of the supercontinent Rodinia. (C) 2015 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/).
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