Analysis of respired amphibole fibers (asbestos and non-asbestos classified): discrimination between natural and anthropogenic sources using sentinel animals

To evaluate the degree of exposure and to distinguish the contributions of respirable amphibole fibers (both asbestos and non-asbestos) from natural and anthropogenic sources, we investigated their burden in the lungs of sentinel animals. Lung samples of sentinel animals are more easily and continuously available in comparison to humans and are not affected by human variables such as occupational exposure and smoking habit. Fiber identification and quantification have been performed using a scanning electron microscope (SEM) with an energy-dispersive spectrometer (EDS). Results for detected amphibole fibers (both asbestos and non-asbestos) were obtained from six studied areas in Northwest Italy (Piedmont) and correlated to lithological and urbanization data. Detected amphibole fiber species have been classified as asbestos minerals occur naturally (NOA) or to anthropogenically sourced asbestos (ASA). This pilot study is a potentially useful tool for the evaluation of the distribution and sources of respirable inorganic fibers. The model should be applicable in any areas where lithological and anthropogenic characteristics are known.
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