Properties of Methacrylic Acid–Methyl Acrylate Copolymers of Varied Structure

Physicomechanical and surface properties of films of copolymers of methacrylic acid with methyl acrylate, which have close compositions and molecular masses (Mn ≈ 5.7 × 104) and various chain structures (gradient copolymer and statistical copolymer), were studied. The thermodynamic characteristics of the copolymers were determined; two glass-transition points (29.6 and 141.0°C) were found for the gradient copolymer, and one glass-transition point of 40.1°C, for the copolymer with a statistical distribution of units along the chain. It was found that more mechanically strong films with tensile stress of 2.8 MPa are characteristic of the gradient copolymer. The wetting method was used to determine by using the Hood–Kaelble–Dann–Fowkes approach the surface Gibbs energies of the films and their polar and dispersion components. Atomic-force microscopy was used to find heterogeneities (0.1–0.3 μm) on the surface of a film of a statistical copolymer, whereas the film of a gradient polymer has a homogeneous structure.
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