Quimioterapia subconjuntival en pacientes con síndrome de inmunodefi ciencia adquirida. Estudio experimental de 3 casos clínicos

aYiliam Suyen Silveira-Melgares,a Anibal Dominguez-Odiob Subconjunctival chemotherapy in patients with acquired immunodefi ciency syndrome. Experimental study of 3 clinical cases Background: Squamous carcinoma of conjuctive (SCC) is a rare tumour with different geographic frequency. The ethiology is multifactorial, and included high exposition to UV and also systematic infections (HPV and HIV). Those tumours have low potential of malignity, but occasionally this type of cancer is capable to provoke local recidive and distant metastasis and fi nally the death of patients. The aim of this work was to investigate the antitumoral response, the tolerable and safe doses of cysplatin preparation in three patients with HIV with recurrent SCC by subconjuctival and topical administration after conservative surgery. Methods: The patients were treated with cysplatin preparation. The treatment was about 3 months in 6 cycles. The patients were clinical follow since the last administration until update. Results: The evolution was favorable. The patients preserved the eyes and their vision without SCC recidive. One patient died about 2 years after he fi nalized the treatment with conservative vision and without tumoral activity and the cause was HIV infection. Conclusion: Treatment with adjuvant chemotherapy to surgery subconjunctival is effective and tolerable in the population of patients treated.
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