A perda dental e seus problemas decorrentes sao situacoes prevalentes na velhice. As mobilidades dentarias e retracoes gengivais sao sinais tipicos de alteracoes dos tecidos gengivo periodontais, acometendo com maior frequencia o paciente geriatrico, pelo proprio processo de envelhecimento ou pela falta de medidas preventivas. Dessa forma, esse trabalho teve por objetivo abordar os principais aspectos periodontais do paciente geriatrico, reconhecendo as suas alteracoes fisiologicas e as necessidades especificas de higienizacao e fisioterapia oral. Verificou-se atraves da literatura que a demanda de servicos odontologicos para idosos tem aumentado, devendo o cirurgiao dentista deve estar apto a atender esse tipo de paciente, saber reconhecer as principais alteracoes bucais e orientar e tratar essas manifestacoes. A prevencao e o controle da formacao da placa bacteriana dental sao as medidas mais importantes para a manutencao da saude periodontal.(AU) The dental loss and the problems consequence of this are commonsituations in the elderly patient. The periodontal tissues generally show aging evidences during the natural process of development.The dental mobility and gingival recession are typical pathologies of periodontal tissues, to happen often in elderly patient, by the same aging process or the lack of prevent dental care. Thus, the purpose of this study was management of the periodontal aspects in the elderly patient, recognizing physiologic alterations and the specific care of hygienic and oral physiotherapy. Through the literature it was identified that the demand of dental services for aging have to increase. However, the dentist have to be able to attend this kind of patient recognize the main buccal alterations, guide to patient and treatment of oral manifestations. The prevention and control of dental bacterial plaque are the most important principles for the maintenance of the periodontal health.(AU)
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