Fetal homotransplants (ventral mesencephalon and adrenal tissue) to the striatum of parkinsonian subjects.

• Fetal ventral mesencephalon and fetal adrenal tissue grafted to the caudate nucleus of four and three parkinsonian patients, respectively, have been shown to be an alternative treatment for the amelioration of the signs of the disease. The ventral mesencephalon patients had a significant amelioration of rigidity, bradykinesia, postural imbalance, gait disturbance, and facial expression. Three of these four patients have returned to work. The fatal adrenal group only showed amelioration of rigidity and bradykinesia. Though these patients are now able to perform their basic daily living activities, and one of them has renewed her household tasks, the other two have not yet been able to return to work. The differences observed between the ventral mesencephalon- and the fetal adrenal-transplanted patients may be related to the heterogeneity of their disease and/or the type of graft implanted. However encouraging our results may be, this experimental procedure obviously requires further studies, and should not be practiced outside of highly qualified clinical research centers.
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